In today’s world, where misinformation and ideological agendas dominate the narrative, standing for truth is […]
Eroding Foundations: The Corrosive Effects of Donald Trump on America
Not long ago, I watched in disbelief as a self-professed Christian, once a vocal critic […]
MAGApocalypse: America Engulfed by the Red Hat Horde
Once upon a time, zombies were confined to late-night horror flicks and binge-worthy TV shows […]
The Faux Right’s Paradox: How They Betray Their Own Values for a Liberal Degenerate
Once upon a time, the right stood as a bulwark against chaos, the last guardians […]
A Moment of Reckoning: Trump’s Victory and Conservatism’s Silver Lining
Last night, Donald Trump claimed a decisive victory, cementing his role as the GOP’s supreme […]
United Against the Storm: How Trumpism Brought Left and Right Together
In 1984, I went to my first Reagan rally as a teenager. Behind me was […]