In today’s world, where misinformation and ideological agendas dominate the narrative, standing for truth is […]
Crisis of the Conservative Conscience
My fellow Americans, we find ourselves in a moment of great reckoning—a time when the […]
America Deserves Better: A Call to Conservatives to Stand Firm in Principles
For conservatives, patriotism isn’t just a word—it’s a way of life. It’s rooted in timeless […]
A New Time For Choosing: Why Conservatives Must Reject Trump’s Abandonment of Core Values
Today, we face a crossroads. The conservative movement, once grounded in timeless principles of faith, […]
Florida’s Amendment 3: How Big Marijuana and Donald Trump are Pushing a Radical Agenda on the Sunshine State
Amendment 3 in Florida is being sold as a harmless measure to legalize recreational marijuana, […]
Donald Trump’s Endorsement of Amendment 4: Betrayal of Pro-Life Values and Conservative Integrity
Donald Trump has built his brand on claims of being a “pro-life” champion, a supposed […]